If you look at Michael Hart’s the famous
physicist in his famous book under the title of The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History , which I wanna make a gentle reminder that the noun influence is whom made changes in the history of humanity – either made it positively or negatively – so as out Arthur mentioned Adolf Hitler , this dictator made a bad influence on humanity and with cold blood made massacres to whom either jewish or any race that’s not considered German aryan race !

As we travel in to Hart’s words , sections & articles we find a big gap between what was mentioned and what was represented by the translation in-to Arabic by Anis Mansour in the Arabic edition of this art of work .

And why was this book an important documentary to us – Arab – that Hart choose our prophet Muhammad s.a.a.w as in the first of the list , Actually when I wrote this article , that -the numbers and ranking – it’s not the main issue .

So let’s get out of the narrow thinking and Un-leach our minds to other fields ,
Cause – logic – if he didn’t choose or made a designation of prophet Muhammad as number one in his list and prophet Jesus the Christ as the second won’t make any difference at all in any meaning ! – at least to our believes –

So what concerns my article right now is something else in another issue .
Hart choose Gautama Buddha or known as Siddhārtha Gautama the Founder of Buddhism and taught a Middle Way between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism found in the Sramana .

He choose Gautama Buddha before the prophet Moses which not founder of Jewish but is the most important prophet in Judaism faith , and after Issac Newton and Jesus the Christ ,

He considered Buddah more influenced to mankind even then Moses whom consider to Islamic faith as ” the God Talker ”
Is he ?
So if we make a logic mathematical equation , the followers around the world for Buddhism around – not an accurate figure – or between 150 to 300 million Buddhism believers and compare with jewish believers – not an accurate figure too – estimated to 14 to 15 million jewish believers even if we add to this figure the Kabbalah believers too .

In 2006 hart went to controversial discussion in a conference At the American Renaissance conference, Hart, who is Jewish, had a public confrontation with David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and former Louisiana state representative, over Duke’s antisemitic remarks , why is that ?
Cause Michael Hart considers the most racist human alive !

Hart organized a conference held in Baltimore in 2009 with the title, Preserving Western Civilization. It was billed as addressing the need to defend “America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity” from immigrants, Muslims, and African Americans. Invited speakers included: Lawrence Auster, Peter Brimelow, Steven Farron, Julia Gorin, Lino A. Graglia, Henry C. Harpending, Roger D. McGrath, Pat Richardson, J. Philippe Rushton, Srdja Trifković, and Brenda Walker.The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center described the conference as “racist”.

At the end , dear readers let’s use our heads , brain & mind and always remember WORDS can fool you !
The Narrator .
